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US-UK Resistive Switching Team


Dr Markus Hellenbrand

University of Cambridge - Driscoll Group
Postdoctoral Researcher

I joined the Driscoll research group as a post-doctoral research associate to work on oxide thin films for memory applications. Our goal is the realisation of forming-free resistive memory in metal oxide materials systems by optimising ionic conductivity and ferroelectricity in our films. I employ pulsed laser deposition for film fabrication and optical and electrical techniques for characterisation. Before joining the Driscoll group, I studied physics (BSc) in Heidelberg, Germany, and physics/nanoscience (MSc) in Lund, Sweden, where I also obtained my PhD degree for my work on the electrical characterisation of gate oxide defects in MOSFET.

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Dr Sundar Kunwar

Los Alamos National Laboratory
Postdoctoral Researcher

Sundar obtained his PhD degree in 2021 from Kwangwoon University, South Korea. His PhD research focuses on the fabrication, characterization and application of plasmonic nanostructures. He Joined Aiping’s group at CINT (LANL) as a director’s postdoc fellow in June 2021. Currently, he is working on the resistive switching devices and photodetectors based on the pulsed laser deposited metal oxides. He is interested in understanding the basic properties of the nanomaterials and engineering them for various applications.

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Dr Megan O. Hill

University of Cambridge - Driscoll Group
Herchel Smith Fellow

Megan joined the Driscoll group as a research fellow in Fall 2020 after completing her PhD in Materials Science at Northwestern University in the US.  Her work aims to investigate the resistive switching mechanisms in metal oxide films using in-operando spectroscopy. More generally her research interests focus on the characterization of nanostructure and thin films using correlative microscopy with a focus on synchrtron-based X-ray specroscopy and diffraction. 

Personal Website  --  Google Scholar Page  --  Driscoll Research Page  --  LinkedIn

Dr Ming Xiao

former member